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Age 34, Male


Okinawa, Japan

Joined on 6/18/08

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Keven11Twenty7's News

Posted by Keven11Twenty7 - January 14th, 2010

Oh man, Kevan has been so busy... It's hard to focus on my life and Newgrounds.
Not so long ago I blew off Nietzlawe just to continue my work. Just think about all the fun conversations we could've had!
Life just keeps getting harder. But I feel more sorry for SuperMarioBrosS. Due to the fact that all his posts were deleated. Very sad... The normal person (Like me) would have gave up. But no! He didn't. He just shrugged his sholders and said, "There's a lot of work that needs to be done."

I envy you...

Anyways everything is just getting too complicated, and I feel like life is ending right in front of my eyes... I am going through a lot of stress that can't be converted into effort.

I better get back to work. If I didn't reply to you as fast in a message/comment then you'll know why.


I'm in love... I also suffer from Broken-Heart Syndrome... I have a lot to worry about in my life. New things just don't stop coming! I have more-and-more problems to face each and everyday. It's all most driving me out of my sanity.
I swear these resolutions are killing me!

Also I was going to talk to Stickman about some flash that we could make together. As I was thinking more along the game lines.

Well I better get BACK to work...

Posted by Keven11Twenty7 - January 1st, 2010

Well besides that almost every person on Ng will be making a post similar to this, I just wanted to put a few things down.

Well it's a new year. It has just struck 12:00 over here. And I missed it by that much trying to put in my damn contacts. I am being interuped as I type by loud fireworks going off one-by-one.
Actually I ran out there to see a couple. On my way back I slipped in water and hit the concrete (thankfully) back first. It didn't hurt. It was just a wee suffering of cold.

Anyway have a happy New Year and I hope all your resolutions come true.
I've actually made mine. Ok, go outside and shoot some fireworks or whatever. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Posted by Keven11Twenty7 - December 30th, 2009

Notice: [To let you know. This isn't just some page that allows me to fly through the internet just like that. It's also the page I visit most in my day. And all comments placed on here will be responded with quicker than anywhere else. Questions, opinions, and conversations are accepted here.]


This is my list to get from here and there on the Internet. Instead of posting links all over my blog, I will just link it to this.

I don't expect anyone else to actually benifit to this. And everyone is free to comment about anything, anytime, anywhere on this blog. So enjoy.

1. Nietzlawe

2. WeirdAlthe3rd

3. MarkySpark

4. DogMan32

5. LolKing101

6. Stickman91

7. Tyler2513

8. FurryOwlet

9. Mariomeister

10. MarioMaster123123123

11. LuigiMaster234

12. SuperMarioBrosS


[Other Users]

1. TomFulp

2. WadeFulp

3. Coop83

4. Alvin-Earthworm

5. Kirbopher

6. Egoraptor

7. thewax70


9. OnionsXD


1. Newgrounds

2. GameTrailers

3. Ebay

4. YouTube

5. Mariomeister Studios

6. VivaLaGames

They are in no particular order.
But anyways thanks for taking a look.

Kevan's Lounge

Posted by Keven11Twenty7 - December 8th, 2009

Because it's almost time for the holiday fun! And what goes best with the holiday? Nuts! Yeah, we have loads of nuts back here. I crack at least 15 a day.

But that's not all I wanted to talk about. What I really want to talk about would have to be the up-coming holiday Christmas. And all the flash that comes with it. What a great and wonderful holiday it is. Saint Nick swooping down your chimney, filling your stockings with lots of toys and treats.

Thrilling isn't it.

Red and Green are the colors we're going to be celebrating this year. Unlike the rest of you, I am not going to have a Christmas. My family is too poor to afford anything at the moment. So too bad.
But on the other hand, at least you guys have something to look forward to! Waking up out of bed with a hint of cold looming around the house. Once awake you rush down to the Christmas tree to see who got the bigger present this year.

The good old days those were. But sadly they pass as you get older. Enjoy Christmas as it lasts. And for a great Christmas present for me, why don't you just drop a comment or two down. Since I'm not getting anything. At least that would writing this blog worth it.

(I didn't just write this blog for nothing you know. I wrote it for all you Newgrounders out there. And I hope you all enjoy reading even just a paragraph.)

Actually, thank the mighty Nietzlawe for this blog. When I do right a blog I tend to write a whole lot. Just to spike him. I always love to show off in front of him just to see what he has to say about my big fancy blogs.

Enough about him. (Not like I dont' care for you anymore.) But I need to stay on subject.

[This is where the Christmas Topic takes a little turn. I will be talking about how it goes over here, and such. Other things, you know.]

0 Days till Christmas!

Yeah, last time I remembered is that it's just about 0... Possibly.

...Almost certain.

Well just so you know snow and Christmas goes perfect together. Sadly, living in Louisiana gives me no snow. :(
But not to fret, I just hope your Christmas goes perfect.


The nice fluffy white clouds falling from the sky is a perfect touch to the Christmas holiday. Make sure to bundle up. Unlike me I can actually go outside in my boxers at 12:30 a.m. I don't really know why though.
Just born with it I guess.

I am planning on saving up money for a laptop. If I do happen to get a laptop I will be able to access Newgrounds whenever I want. No matter what. No more little sister hogging the computer for some MMORPG game.

I am sure I won't get a laptop for Christmas, but I will save up for one and hopefully get a job. With that in mind I would have loved to get all my great Newgrounds buddies gifts. Just,... I have no money. I hope you guys can go present less for me this year. I will probably have some next year for you.

Let's Start Things Off!
(Not like I've already done so.)

Well, I seriously can't wait for the upcoming money I get this month, and the new Flash submissions by our great Newgrounds Animators. I would like to give a shout out to some of my favorite animators.

Alvin-Earthworm. Kirbopher, Egoraptor, and thewax70. They were and still are great animators. I can't wait for the new Super Mario Bros Z, and Sonic Shorts Episode.

Keep at it guys.

Now back to the Christmas. There are going to be quite a few (or a lot of) Christmas submissions being submitted to Newgrounds this year. Lets just hope it will be more exciting this year. I've seen quite a few good ones out there. And some, well,... not so good. But you guys keep trying and you'll get there.

Anyway, I wish you a Merry Christmas and I hope you all get something that you've been hoping for.

Posted by Keven11Twenty7 - December 8th, 2009

Three powerful words that mean everything in my life. My very soul looms around these words. They mean more to me than anything. These powerful words when used right can turn anybody into the opposite direction. But,... to do this. You must first train yourself with the words. You must have faith and never doubt them. No matter what.
If done right, you will be able to accomplish anything in your life. You will be able to conquer your greatest fears. You will be almost invincible.

This technique turned my life around.

I first found these words on July 25, 2009. At first they were nothing but words, but they helped me do the little things in life.

These words... These words that will change your life around is Might As Well. They might just look like normal words at first, but they are really the answer to everything.

As I was saying. Using Might As Well to get through daily life will greatly help you. Before doing the big things in life you must start out small. Easy simple little steps, and that's how you want to start out. The lazy things like take out the trash, stuff you wouldn't normally won't want to do. But you "might as well" do them.

----Note: [I will deleat any comments that have nothing to do with the subject.]

I was lying in my bed when something hit me. "I might as well get up and go brush my teeth." At first I thought nothing of it. Later on after saying these words I would do them without asking... Nothing to it.

Never give up on Might As Well. When you say Might As Well you do it! If you don't it will decrease your chances of becoming successful with the use of it, and it shows laziness. (No will to do.)That's why you need to start out small and work your way up. Take your time on this. It will surely pay off.

----------- The picture up there. The curvy black and white one. That's the symbol of Might As Well. Once in awhile I write it on my arm to get me through the day. (It does help.)

But the symbol is not for luck. No. It's making a promise. I might as well do my very best at work. I might as well lift a little bit more before leaving the gym. I might as well give it my all today.

[This is something I don't share with everyone, this blog will only be see once and possibly never revised. I will not include any special links to this blog. This is something severely special to me. And I don't want it overused.]

Might As Well kept me from committing suicide. Yeah, I couldn't take life anymore. Not even my depression medicine was helping. I felt like time was slowing down and it just got more painful each day.
Until I remembered those words. Those three beautiful words. And it all made sense. Life felt just a little better, and worth living. M.A.W. Can really change peoples lives around. Maybe not everybody, but the people who are really devoted to change there life around.

It's a long process but it's worth it at the end. Knowing you can do anything you set your mind to. It's almost like steroids. They give you the will to keep pushing further and further. By doing this, you will get stronger.

If you are really interested in hearing more about M.A.W. Then drop a PM. I don't expect any, but if you really feel like you could use some help in life, maybe a boost. Consider Might As Well your answer.

I will just use the rest of my time telling you about it. Well of course you've figured out what the Initials stand for. Other than that it's not like a charm. It's a promise you've made to do for that day, and you shall not let it down.

Start out slow. (I mean very slow.)

Gain a little more trust. (Just make a few adjustments and get a little tougher.)

Start to test yourself. (See how much you can go, but don't push yourself.)

See if it's actually helping your life. (If you don't really have the patients to do it then I suggest not going any further with it. You won't get anywhere like that.)

Well, "might as well" has given me the courage to love again, to go past my ordinary limits, to get my head focused on what's really right.

I really think this will help. And if it doesn't then no sweat. I just wanted to share this with you one time. And one time only. I will never bring this blog back up in a conversation, and I hope it gets lost in the back of my posts someday. If you have read this entire page then I congratulate you. Well done. At least someone had the patience to read this, or skim to the end.

All I'm saying is that if you need help in life, M.A.W. can and will help you.

It was great writing this and...

I might as well finish this blog up.

Posted by Keven11Twenty7 - December 4th, 2009

Yes, it's actually snowing down here. Way down South. I live in Louisiana which is part of the United States of America. If there is one thing Louisiana is known for it's being hot. In beeing so hot here snow would have never crossed my mind this year. But, just like last year, it's snowing. And much harder.

They say it will be about 2-inches. Actually that's pretty good for a place like this.

I am pretty excited, they actually let out school early today, on account of the weather. I plan on going out there and give it my all, because having snow 2 years in a row is quite rare.

I hope all you up North enjoy what you have. Have a great and Merry Christmas everybody. And I will see you later.


EDIT: December 7

Well, my birthday. Yay. Really didn't feel like making a new post, and an edit would probably be best.
Any way I turned 19 exactly at 3:56 A.M. (If you wanted to know)

Yeah, and everybody who commented on this post gets a free piece of cake. Yay for you.
And thanks for you guys wishing me a happy birthday. I really wanted to keep it secret this year, but Nietzlawe just so happened to remember my birthday and he commented about it. So everybody found out and the cat was let out of the bag.

Hey Stickman91 great to know you cared enough to drop a comment by about the Birthday. WeirdAlthe3rd hit the first comment on this blog, and possibly will be the last. Thanks for dropping by and leaving me comments. And for wishing me a happy birthday.

I post links on this page. Why? Well it helps me get around Newgrounds.

8:29 (57 seconds)
I made my wish.

I blew out my candles.

Well, I really hope it wouldn't come to this, but...
Thanks for wishing me a happy birthday.

Posted by Keven11Twenty7 - November 25th, 2009

Well my schedule is going to be tough. Not only am I driving all the way down South to meet the rest of my dads side, but I also have to plan my sister's party.

Yeah, this year her Birthday falls on the same date as Thanksgiving. She will be about 13. So don't expect me to be on tomorrow morning. I will probably be back around say 9:00 P.M.

(My birthday is coming up pretty soon to.)

But I doubt you guys would really like to know when I turn a new age. Anywho, my day won't be so bad because I will be surrounded by loud screamy children. Despit the 2 hour drive I am sure I will have a great time. I mean I get to see other parts of my family that I havn't seen for over a month.


I would say I am excited about going over to Fenton, but I'd be lying. I would much rather be at my house chatting up a storm with Nietzlawe on MSN. Or taking down abusive reviews with Tyler.

But sadly I have to go.

Phew, in a couple of days I am going to take back down the Thanksgiving decorations and put up the Christmas. I have to pull all the Christmas boxes down from the attic and start setting them up. ALL of them. I;m even the one who has to go up on top of the roof and start nailing in those Christmas lights.
It's not bad, I mean I once stapled my finger to the roof. It ws stuck there for about 30 minutes before I man'ed up and thrusted the staple out. The blood from my finger caused me to slip off the roof, but don't worry, the lights that took me 3 hours to set up caught me and partly broke my fall.

*Sigh* I guess I will talk to you guys tomorrow at 10:00. Or if your lucky, you might just catch me in the morning at 5:00 A.M. Central Time.



Edit: 11/26/09

12:35 P.M. Central
Well last night me and my best friend Ryan had started a conversation on MNS.
See, I was supposed to be getting rest for my busy day tomorrow. But, he kept me up all night chatting.

Anyway after he went to bed saying, "The best thing would be tto get some sleep so you will be well rested." But it was already 1:37 A.M. So I did not head his warning thinking I could last the day. (Don't tell him)

I fell asleep soon after. I awoke feeling refreshed, but I really don't know why. I slept for only 5 hours. To tellthe truth I actually first wrote this on a piece of paper in a car. I am actualloy still writing this in the car. (On a piece of paper) I will upload this to Newgrounds as soon as I get back.

Just so you know I will be on all day/night today and tomorrow. So you have plenty of time to talk to me.

1:27 P.M.
We just had Turkey. It was surprisingly good.

2:12 P.M.
My family has been asking if I was writing in a journel. (Well I wasn't) And I kind of miss blamming and saving flashes.
My Uncle Kenny has a laptop, so I just might be able to get on for a bit. He's actually not here yet so all I can do now is wait.

2:35 P.M.
I felt like I should spend more time with my family so I didn't ask for the computer.

4:46 P.M.
I probably won't be here tomorrow because my cousins, Stevan & Andrew begged me to spend the night. I made a deal with them saying that I will go tomorrow. (11/27/09)

5:02 P.M.
I am heading home.