Well my schedule is going to be tough. Not only am I driving all the way down South to meet the rest of my dads side, but I also have to plan my sister's party.
Yeah, this year her Birthday falls on the same date as Thanksgiving. She will be about 13. So don't expect me to be on tomorrow morning. I will probably be back around say 9:00 P.M.
(My birthday is coming up pretty soon to.)
But I doubt you guys would really like to know when I turn a new age. Anywho, my day won't be so bad because I will be surrounded by loud screamy children. Despit the 2 hour drive I am sure I will have a great time. I mean I get to see other parts of my family that I havn't seen for over a month.
I would say I am excited about going over to Fenton, but I'd be lying. I would much rather be at my house chatting up a storm with Nietzlawe on MSN. Or taking down abusive reviews with Tyler.
But sadly I have to go.
Phew, in a couple of days I am going to take back down the Thanksgiving decorations and put up the Christmas. I have to pull all the Christmas boxes down from the attic and start setting them up. ALL of them. I;m even the one who has to go up on top of the roof and start nailing in those Christmas lights.
It's not bad, I mean I once stapled my finger to the roof. It ws stuck there for about 30 minutes before I man'ed up and thrusted the staple out. The blood from my finger caused me to slip off the roof, but don't worry, the lights that took me 3 hours to set up caught me and partly broke my fall.
*Sigh* I guess I will talk to you guys tomorrow at 10:00. Or if your lucky, you might just catch me in the morning at 5:00 A.M. Central Time.
Edit: 11/26/09
12:35 P.M. Central
Well last night me and my best friend Ryan had started a conversation on MNS.
See, I was supposed to be getting rest for my busy day tomorrow. But, he kept me up all night chatting.
Anyway after he went to bed saying, "The best thing would be tto get some sleep so you will be well rested." But it was already 1:37 A.M. So I did not head his warning thinking I could last the day. (Don't tell him)
I fell asleep soon after. I awoke feeling refreshed, but I really don't know why. I slept for only 5 hours. To tellthe truth I actually first wrote this on a piece of paper in a car. I am actualloy still writing this in the car. (On a piece of paper) I will upload this to Newgrounds as soon as I get back.
Just so you know I will be on all day/night today and tomorrow. So you have plenty of time to talk to me.
1:27 P.M.
We just had Turkey. It was surprisingly good.
2:12 P.M.
My family has been asking if I was writing in a journel. (Well I wasn't) And I kind of miss blamming and saving flashes.
My Uncle Kenny has a laptop, so I just might be able to get on for a bit. He's actually not here yet so all I can do now is wait.
2:35 P.M.
I felt like I should spend more time with my family so I didn't ask for the computer.
4:46 P.M.
I probably won't be here tomorrow because my cousins, Stevan & Andrew begged me to spend the night. I made a deal with them saying that I will go tomorrow. (11/27/09)
5:02 P.M.
I am heading home.
Where at in Louisiana?