Notice: [To let you know. This isn't just some page that allows me to fly through the internet just like that. It's also the page I visit most in my day. And all comments placed on here will be responded with quicker than anywhere else. Questions, opinions, and conversations are accepted here.]
This is my list to get from here and there on the Internet. Instead of posting links all over my blog, I will just link it to this.
I don't expect anyone else to actually benifit to this. And everyone is free to comment about anything, anytime, anywhere on this blog. So enjoy.
1. Nietzlawe
3. MarkySpark
4. DogMan32
5. LolKing101
6. Stickman91
7. Tyler2513
8. FurryOwlet
9. Mariomeister
11. LuigiMaster234
12. SuperMarioBrosS
[Other Users]
1. TomFulp
2. WadeFulp
3. Coop83
5. Kirbopher
6. Egoraptor
7. thewax70
9. OnionsXD
1. Newgrounds
2. GameTrailers
3. Ebay
4. YouTube
6. VivaLaGames
They are in no particular order.
But anyways thanks for taking a look.
Oh my gosh!