Come on now... enough about me. Tell me about yourself.

Age 34, Male


Okinawa, Japan

Joined on 6/18/08

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What a month.

Posted by Keven11Twenty7 - September 1st, 2010

There has been so much going on I can't think of where to start.
Well, I was in a car crash. Hospitalized for 3-4 days. The only injuries though were sustained through my big toe.

"Mr. Sallier, would you like to go home now?"

"No! No! I think a few more weeks would do me good."

(Anything that kept me from work.)
If I can recall right it was from stumbling out of the car. But besides the accident, that I didn't cause, I have also been studying up on computers.
In my spare time I would constantly be cramming information into my brain. I think I might just go to college and major in some type of computering.

But before I go on, I would like to thank a good friend of mine, WeirdAlthe3rd has been so reliable these past months. While I was busy doing what I do, he was logged on keeping my account in order. Almost like I had sent it to boot camp. I would have to say it was lead most efficiently.
I just wanted to thank you for that, and if I am able to get my computer running once again the first thing I'll do is upload that picture to you.

If you're wondering about the computer. Well there was this certain problem with it. I think it was because windows couldn't find a program that helped run it. So the computer will no longer start up. But I do have a cousin who's quite talented at this stuff, but who has still neglected to pick up the fucking computer. He'd said something about how it might lose everything that was stored on it. So that means FL studios, Flash 8, and a hell of a lot of other stuff including: All documents wrote in my spare time (Basically just journals, ideas, notes, and unpublished writing.), family pictures, itunes songs (Which include my mother's, brother's, and sister's choice of music.), and last I would have to say that everything I've ever favorited/booked marked would be gone.

Which is very awful.

But hey, I'll get a new desktop all for myself.
No worries, but as for now I still wont be on Newgrounds 24/7. Rather than not being on Newgrounds for weeks at a time I will now frequently check in.

What else is new? Ah!
I've actually been having these strange dreams about Newgrounds. There have been quite a few dealing with me and Nietzlawe. Just strange random dreams that might be trying to tell me something... I guess being away from Newgrounds has it's toll on you.
Most of the dreams are hard to remember, but I could probably name one. Like last night. (Well it would've been last night if I hadn't postponed the blog. Originally I finished writing it 8/31/10 but things come up.)
Anyways the dream started off to where Mr. Lawe was showing me his unfinished projects. (Flash projects.) There was one to where he had created a kind of 3D type of game. Well I was actually in the game, and there were these animals in a cafeteria type of place, but the animals were where the food would normally be displayed, and it was more like this miniature zoo. But that was just one of the random dreams I occasionally get.

Thats about all that has been happening this month.


So wait, what did I leaved her before before you accidentally deleted it. You know once i accidentally deleted someone from my buddy list on some IM program, but It was actually the reverse and I deleted myself from there account, because I was trying to log off so I could log back in in my own account. I have no idea how I managed that... but I logged out and logged back in and sent them a friend request or whatever.

I think my original comment was something along those lines.

That is some pretty complex stuff... I've done something pretty similar. I believe it was in the 10th grade.
I was in BCA and was in the process of typing this document. I typed about 5 full paragraphs off some topic I can't remember. Before I started though I saved a newly opened document as "BCA Review", but then I remembered that we had these documents we click first to automatically put our header. So I went back, opened the document "Header" and continued my typing of the 5 paragraphs. After I was through I tried saving over the document "BCA Review" but for some reason it was some type of Read-Only Memory document. (ROM, yes weird I know.) So I saved it as "BCA Revie" leaving off the "w."
I waited till the next day to delete the old document and rename the new one, because it was already time to pack up when I had saved it as BCA Revie. So when I came back after the weekend (remember it's a Monday) I went to Microsoft Word, open, and to the documents. Well I was wondering why one was mispelled. My instincts told me that the document mispelled was some sort of dud and I deleted it. It was only when I opened "BCA Review" did I find out my mistake.

And you had commented, "What an unlucky month."

I had made the comment "What an unlucky month!" but that was in the past, I wasn't the same person then as I am now. So much has changed. Onward and upward that's what they always say.

I had made the response "We're lucky enough to have only 12 months." but although that was in the past I still feel the same as I did 4 hours ago. To get ahead in life you must act, thats what I've always said.

I should make my own wiki... call it, Eriki. ansd just put pages of things I know in it. Pages about various topics using nothing but my own knowledge of the topic. Put in people, mostly people I know. And all the articles are from my perspective. For instance I could say, "TISM is a really cool band, they wear balaclavas and they doesn't afraid of anything. They play pop music, but they sing punk lyrics." Or, "Alex Trabek is a pretty cool guy, he hosts a game show and he doesn't afraid of anything. He also gets drunk and sings sea chanties." Or, "Garrett S is a good friend of mine, I've known him since elementary school. He's a pretty cool guy, he helps old ladies cross the street and he doesn't afraid of anything."

I doesn't afraid of anything either.

So this wiki will be about your knowledge of life... If you ever go through with it I'd like to read it.

Oh I forgot to mention, I'd give users I know on Newgrounds there own wikipedia articles, obviously.

Eriki already sounds like a hit to me.

I went to that store. Although I expected it to blow it did not... it actually sucked. I imagine that to be quite ironic in fore thought. But at the time I was trapped in a vacuum and had more pressing issues to worry about.

Provided with some detail from neitzlawe; we could probably make a story about this store... Except fictionalize it a bit.

Maybe a few touch-ups here and there.

The last time I bought oil from BP... they dumped it all into the fucking Gulf!!!

See! This is a man who understands!

Haha, your icon makes me lol

Thanks, and just for the record WeirdAlthe3rd made it for me.

Um... HI!